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San Jacinto Elementary Pennies For Pets 2011-2012

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Another hugely successful Pennies for Pets Campaign $1,401.00

Thank You!!

We were contacted by Coach Cheryl Warren of San Jacinto Elementary in late May to come to the school to speak to the children and to receive the proceeds of their 2011-2012 Pennies for Pets program! 

Coach Warren heads up the effort every year, and her success is fueled by her passion for animals and her desire to educate our young people about having compassion for animals and growing up to be responsible pet owners. Her work, together with the teachers at San Jacinto Elementary, always results in a sizeable donation for the animals in Baytown Humane Society's program. Another result is the continued education and enlightenment about pets and their care for the children in the school! None of this would be possible without the full agreement and cooperation of Principal Rebecca Robins, to whom we are equally grateful! It's such a win-win cooperation of efforts, with the animals being the most benefited!

Each year Buck, a handsome rescued dog who acts as the BHS ambassador for all dogs in need, is specifically requested to make an appearance. The children have come to know him, and look forward to seeing him each year. Buck gets so excited when he realizes that we are going to school! He practically drags me to the door and straight to the office to 'check in!' He can't wait to get started and to start meeting the children.

We usually bring another rescued dog, too; so, the students and teachers can SEE an example of what their gifts accomplish each year. This year, besides Buck, we brought little Honey, a tiny terrier rescued from the streets of Baytown earlier in the year. She was living behind a fast food restaurant, dodging cars and surviving on whatever was tossed her way by customers.

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