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About Baytown Humane Society
Team Member Name

Baytown Humane Society Supporting Members

Anonymous Donor |
Steven Adrian |
Dorothy & Gary Akers |
Jeanie & John Anderson |
William "Kim" Anderson |
Marcy Arce & Family |
Barbara Ashley |
Ruth Baten |
Barbara Beene |
Devan A. Bender |
Linda Bland |
Debi Bryant |
Kathy, David, Natalie & Thomas Buroker |
Wanda Carter |
Joyce M. Cascio |
Neva M. Casey |
Freda Chandler |
Martha Cunningham |
Verva Densmore |
Renee DeHoyos |
Shannon Durling |
Martha & Steve Ellis |
Lila Friederich |
Judy & Gary Gill |
Eric M. Harding |
Charlene and Tom Harrington |
Shelley & Chris Hatcher |
Michael Hefley |
Robert E. and Jimmie Lee Hill |
Terry Huff |
Dr. Richard Hutto, Optometrist |
Rosalynn Ivy |
Lori Janick |
Cheryl & David Koretzky |
Shirley & Chuck Lindsey |
Becky & Larry Linsenbardt |
Elke Mahan |
Moira Mathews |
Angellia Moore, Joey Leslie and Family |
Janice Morton |
Jane Ott |
Laurie & Chris Palmer |
A. Lynette Parsons & Raybourne Gupton |
Amanda Prazak |
Julie & Dan Presswood |
Suzanne Pruitt |
Patsy B. Reid |
James Richards |
Maudie S. Roberts |
Rose and Bill Rogers |
RockySpot Rescue, Inc. |
Evelyn Schirmbeck |
Betty & Bill Schwarzauer |
Edie Sedtal |
H.T. Sherron |
Lorrie Sherron |
Silver Moon Aviation, Inc. |
Don Swint |
Connie Walding |
Judy & Steve Westendorf |
Madge Westendorf |
Lyn Weycer |
Lisa and Richard White |
Iris & Clyde Wilcox |
Mrs. Robert L. Witt |
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