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About Baytown Humane Society
Team Member Name

Why this animal?
Many Veterinarians require that we have permission to speak with them. Please call and let them know that a representative of Baytown Humane Society will be contacting them. Thank you.
Who Is Your Veterinarian?
Almost Done...
How many years have you lived at your current address?
Number of people living in the home?
Do you rent or own your home?
If renting, does your lease allow pets?
Is your landlord aware of your plans?
Landlord Name:
Landlord Phone:
Do you have a swimming pool?
If yes, is there safety fencing?
Do you have a pet door installed?
Is your yard securely fenced?

If yes, what type? Check all that apply...
How tall is the fence?
Are the fence gate(s) locked?
By submitting this application, I agree that:
I am age 18 or older & a decision-maker in my home.
I have answered the above questions truthfully.
I am gainfully employed or have a steady stream of income.
My home & family will be made available for a home visit at our mutual convenience.
An error occurred. Please make sure all required fields are answered then try again.
Your application has been submitted to BHS.
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