About Baytown Humane Society
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These precious souls are in dire and sad situations that could turn hopeless at any moment. Their future may be bleak now, but you can provide the turning point that would given them a hopeful future.
Baytown Humane Society will provide all veterinary services but have no available foster homes for them.
Will you provide a foster home? Cover the cost of boarding? Help with transport, if needed? Have a creative solution? If so, we would like to hear from you! Email baccr1@aol.com or call (832) 414-3729 today.
These animals cannot make it without our help, and we cannot do it without yours.
Found in Lakeview Shores Subdivision
Found in a business location just outside of the Lakeview Shores Subdivision. Locals have seen it roaming for several days, but no one appears to be looking for it.
Baytown Humane Society will provide all necessary veterinary care, medications and flea prevention.
Please open up your heart and home by providing a temporary safe space until a loving home can be found.