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Adorable Adoptables

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Shasta is ready for her forever home! This absolutely PRECIOUS senior girl (6 - 7 years) is about 64 pounds of pure sugar. She is very sweet, gentle, house-trained, tolerant, quiet, and just wants to be by your side and loved. She has been fully vaccinated, spayed, and microchipped.
Shasta had a Hellacious life, and now deserves to rest and repair. We believe she may be a Great Pyranees/Yellow Lab mix. She was rescued with another dog who did not survive and she misses him.
Shasta has some quirky behaviors, but none that would be show-stoppers in a great home. She does not require a lot of activity, although a daily walk around the block would be nice! She is a mellow dog who is content to sit at your feet and watch the world go by.
You will see in the photos how good she is, even with the pesky little puppy who thinks she may be his Mom. =)
My heart breaks for her when I visit with Shasta. There is an underlying quiet - almost sadness that tells me a lot about her life before rescue. We want to see her in a happy home, soaking up all the love she was denied by her original humans.
Please apply to adopt Shasta, if you are looking for a gentle, sweet dog to pass time with till the end of her days. You will never find a kinder heart than hers